A Builder’s Job Is Never Done In Mexico

When you’re in the business of building gorgeous homes for some incredible families, it’s easy to forget that there is a large population of people that aren’t as fortunate. We’ve made a point at TroiWest to find ways of remembering just how lucky we all are, and to use whatever skills, time and capabilities we have to make a difference in other people’s lives. One of the most rewarding experiences we have had as company is the annual trip to Mexico we take.

It’s not what you think. We’re not heading there to hit the beach and relax with a drink or two in our hands, we are heading down to Mexico to build homes and memories. We’ve been a long-time partner with Live Different, an organization that is fighting poverty by providing decent, affordable housing for the millions of people in Mexico who don’t have the financial means to help themselves. In Mexico, about 15.9 million people live in homes with dirt floors, roofs made of tin, cardboard or debris and walls made of mud with little to no running water or electricity. With the support of private and corporate volunteers, Live Different has been able to carry out construction and house improvement brigades. Most importantly however, their program empowers people in the communities, to make be able to build their own homes and those of their neighbors. It’s a formula that is as important for them as it is for us, as we get a chance to really get to know these families and give the tools they need to pay it forward and help others.

Every year we send a team to build a house in San Quintín in the Mexican state of Baja California, to change a community for the better, one family at a time. Our last trip was this past April, when we built a home for the Barraza family. As a single mother of four, including a 10-month old boy, the Ms. Barraza hasn’t had it easy. The former home they rented was unsafe and miles from any support network. We were able to help them build a home right next to Alma’s parents .

Building homes doesn’t stop at the boundaries of the Greater Edmonton area for us. If you’re interested in learning more and following our continued journey to help those in need, click here.

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